I have the ability to be at ease and sleep well, as long as my husband is laying next to me. Even when he snores and I have to wear my earplugs. However, a few years ago I was put to the test.

Scott was going to be gone for a month on a mission trip and he added a little site seeing time as well. He had been gone before, but this was his longest trip. Also, I was going to be home by myself with our two boys for the entire time. I usually would coordinate my trips to see my family with his. This made the time go by faster and it was much easier to be apart.

But this time it was in May and I was working full-time. I was not able to get away. It was the 2nd or 3rd night and I was laying in our king size bed alone. I couldn’t sleep. Every noise would, my eyes opened and ears perked up. I would then create scenarios as to what was creating this unusual sound. I would slowly get up. Tip-toe around the house. Locate this new strange noise. Only to discover it was not new or strange. Crawl back in bed and repeat. I knew I wouldn’t be able to function this way for long, especially with on no sleep. I would start to get grumpy.

Then I heard God speak to me, “Annie, who protects you?”

“You do.” I responded.

He replied, “I am the One who protects you. There will be a time when Scott is not going to be there. But I will always be there. I am your all in all. I am your protector.”

He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. Psalm 23:2

I slept great. There have been nights when I need to remind myself of that moment. The doubts start to creep in. The fear can be overwhelming, but God is there.

I also began to think about how many years I lived alone. I slept before I met Scott. There are times when we put unrealistic expectations on our spouses. They are not God. They are not going to fix everything. When we put godly expectations on humans, they disappoint us. Does this mean ‘bad things’ will never happen? No. But what I do know is that God is my Protector. He is in control always. He is not surprised by anything.

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Psalm 23:4

We say how great our faith is, yet we don’t sleep at night? Really? Do we not see the contradiction? I am guessing that most people slept before they were married? Just a guess, so why has it suddenly changed? Yes, there are moments that can create worry: job, living in a bad neighborhood, people have gone crazy, kids not at home, watching the news, waiting for test results, finances, etc.

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34

Worry adds an entirely new twist to sleeplessness. This was about fear and conquering that fear when my husband is not home. But don’t worry, I will discuss worry another day …

Can you sleep when your spouse is not home? Do they work nights? Are they frequent travelers? Get some sleep beautiful. God’s got you! He is the Protector.

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